Supplementary Figure S1 from Human Tumor–Associated Macrophages and Neutrophils Regulate Antitumor Antibody Efficacy through Lethal and Sublethal Trogocytosis

Sunil Singhal,Abhishek S. Rao,Jason Stadanlick, Kyle Bruns,Neil T. Sullivan, Andres Bermudez, Adam Honig-Frand, Ryan Krouse, Sachinthani Arambepola,Emily Guo, Edmund K. Moon,George Georgiou,Thomas Valerius,Steven M. Albelda,Evgeniy B. Eruslanov


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Supplementary Figure S1. (A and B) Flow cytometric analysis of indicated markers of NK and DC in the single cell suspension obtained from digested lung tumor. (C) The comparison among the frequencies of tumor FcR+ effectors and lung tumor stages; All data represented as mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA with Turkey’s multiple comparisons test. (D) Cumulative flow cytometry results showing the ability of blood and tumor FcR+ effectors to kill PKH-67+A431 tumor cells in the presence of nonspecific human IgG1 isotype control Abs (1ug/ml) at a 50:1 E:T ratio in a 12 hrs FACS-based assay. (E) Cumulative results showing the kinetics of GFP+A431 tumor cell growth when co-cultured with blood and tumor FcR+ effectors for 48 hrs at 50:1 E:T ratio in the presence of IgG1 isotype control Abs in the IncuCyte® Live Cell Analysis System. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. (F) Cumulative results showing the kinetics of GFP+A431 tumor cell growth co-cultured with PBN isolated from lung cancer patients and healthy volunteers for 48 hrs at a 50:1 E:T ratio in the presence of human IgG1 isotype control Abs in the IncuCyte® Live Cell Analysis System.

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