Incomplete accumulation of perilesional reactive astrocytes exacerbates wound healing after closed-head injury by increasing inflammation and BBB disruption

Nitin Sawant, Airi Watanabe, Haruna Ueda,Hideyuki Okano,Mitsuhiro Morita


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Wound healing after closed -head injury is a significant medical issue. However, conventional models of focal traumatic brain injury, such as fluid percussion injury and controlled cortical impact, employ mechanical impacts on the exposed cerebral cortex after craniotomy. These animal models are inappropriate for studying gliosis, as craniotomy itself induces gliosis. To address this, we developed a closed -head injury model and named "photo injury", which employs intense light illumination through a thinned -skull cranial window. Our prior work demonstrated that the gliosis of focal cerebral lesion after the photo injury does not encompass artificial gliosis and comprises two distinct reactive astrocyte subpopulations. The reactive astrocytes accumulated in the perilesional recovery area actively proliferate and express Nestin, a neural stem cell marker, while those in distal regions do not exhibit these traits. The present study investigated the role of perilesional reactive astrocytes (PRAs) in wound healing using the ablation of reactive astrocytes by the conditional knockout of Stat3. The extensive and non -selective ablation of reactive astrocytes in Nestin-Cre:Stat3f/f mice resulted in an exacerbation of injury, marked by increased inflammation and BBB disruption. On the other hand, GFAP-CreERT2:Stat3f/f mice exhibited the partial and selective ablation of the PRAs, while their exacerbation of injury was at the same extent as in Nestin-Cre:Stat3f/f mice. The comparison of these two mouse strains indicates that the PRAs are an essential astrocyte component for wound healing after closed -head injury, and their anti-inflammatory and regenerative functions are significantly affected even by incomplete accumulation. In addition, the reporter gene expression in the PRAs by GFAP-CreERT2 indicated a substantial elimination of these cells and an absence of differentiation into other cell types, despite Nestin expression, after wound healing. Thus, the accumulation and subsequent elimination of PRA are proposed as promising diagnostic and therapeutic avenues to bolster wound healing after closed -head injury.
Brain injury,Reactive astrocyte,Wound healing,Inflammation,Blood brain barrier,STAT3
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