Ignorance or Uncertainty: How the “Black Box” Dilemma in Big Data Research May “Misinform” Political Communication

Digital Discussions(2018)

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Although big data offers big promises to transform communication research, it also comes with myths and misinformation. Big data research is challenging not only because it is too big and too complex for traditional communication research methods to handle, but also because of our unfamiliarity with and uncertainty about new analytical tools. Indeed, an inappropriate use of big data analytics may create more problems than benefits. This chapter focuses on the “black box” dilemma in conducting big data research in our field. While an ignorance of the big data algorithm may lead to invalid research results, tuning parameters in the “box” may yield unreliable and ambiguous findings. The discussion is based on the experience of conducting and reviewing empirical big data research, the use of several big data software programs, and collaborations with computer science/engineering researchers.
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