Illuminating the complete ?-cell mass of the human pancreas- signifying a new view on the islets of Langerhans


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Pancreatic islets of Langerhans play a pivotal role in regulating blood glucose homeostasis, but critical information regarding their mass, distribution and composition is lacking within a whole organ context. Here, we apply a 3D imaging pipeline to generate a complete account of the insulin-producing islets throughout the human pancreas at a microscopic resolution and within a maintained spatial 3D context. These data show that human islets are far more heterogenous than previously accounted for with regards to their size distribution and cellular make up. By deep tissue 3D imaging, this in-depth study demonstrates that 50% of the human insulin-expressing islets are virtually devoid of glucagon-producing alpha-cells, an observation with significant implications for both experimental and clinical research. The pancreatic islets of Langerhans play a pivotal role in regulating blood glucose homeostasis through the regulated secretion of the hormones insulin and glucagon. Here, the authors use deep tissue 3D imaging to re-construct the entire human pancreas at microscopic resolution and display previously unrecognized heterogeneities in the islet's cellularity with pre-clinical and clinical implications.
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