Second-order and real Chern topological insulator in twisted bilayer ?-graphyne


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The study of higher-order and real topological states as well as the material realization have become a research forefront of topological condensed matter physics in recent years. Twisted bilayer graphene (tbG) is proved to have higher-order and real topology. However, whether this conclusion can be extended to other two-dimensional twisted bilayer carbon materials and the mechanism behind it lack explorations. In this paper, we identify the twisted bilayer alpha-graphyne (tbGPY) at large twisting angle as a real Chern insulator (also known as Stiefel-Whitney insulator) and a second-order topological insulator. Our first-principles calculations suggest that the tbGPY at 21.78 is stable at 100 K with a larger bulk gap than the tbG. The nontrivial topological indicators, including the real Chern number and a fractional charge, and the localized in-gap corner states are demonstrated from first-principles and tight-binding calculations. Moreover, with C6zsymmetry, we prove the equivalence between the two indicators, and explain the existence of the corner states. To decipher the real and higher -order topology inherited from the moire heterostructure, we construct an effective four-band tight-binding model capturing the topology and dispersion of the tbGPY at large twisting angle. A topological phase transition to a trivial insulator is demonstrated by breaking the C2y symmetry of the effective model, which gives insights on the trivialization of the tbGPY as reducing the twisting angle to 9.43 & DEG; suggested by our first-principles calculations.
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