Choosing a maternity hospital: a matter of travel distance or quality of care?

Research in Health Services & Regions(2024)

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The choice of a hospital should be based on individual need and accessibility. For maternity hospitals, this includes known or expected risk factors, the geographic accessibility and level of care provided by the hospital. This study aims to identify factors influencing hospital choice with the aim to analyze if and how many deliveries are conducted in a risk-appropriate and accessible setting in Bavaria, Germany. This is a cross-sectional secondary data analysis based on all first births in Bavaria (2015-18) provided by the Bavarian Quality Assurance Institute for Medical Care. Information on the mother and on the hospital were included. The Bavarian Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 was used to account for area-level socioeconomic differences. Multiple logistic regression models were used to estimate the strength of association of the predicting factors and to adjust for confounding. We included 195,087 births. Distances to perinatal centers were longer than to other hospitals (16 km vs. 12 km). 10
Secondary data,Hospital choice,Quality,Birth,GIS,Deprivation,Access,Health policy
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