A Novel Wide-Area Multiobject Detection System with High-Probability Region Searching

Long Xianlei, Zhao Hui,Chen Chao, Gu Fuqiang,Gu Qingyi

ICRA 2024(2024)

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In recent years, wide-area visual detection systems have been widely applied in various industrial and security sectors. These systems, however, face significant challenges when implementing multi-object detection due to conflicts arising from the need for high-resolution imaging, efficient object searching, and accurate localization. To address these challenges, this paper presents a hybrid system that incorporates a wide-angle camera, a high-speed search camera, and a galvano-mirror. In this system, the wide-angle camera offers panoramic images as prior information, which helps the search camera in capturing detailed images of the targeted objects. This integrated approach enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of wide-area visual detection systems. Specifically, in this study, we introduce a wide-angle camera-based method to generate a panoramic probability map (PPM) for estimating high-probability regions of target object presence. Then, we propose a probability searching module that uses the PPM-generated prior information to dynamically adjust the sampling range and refine target coordinates based on uncertainty variance computed by the object detector. Finally, the integration of PPM and the probability searching module yields an efficient hybrid vision system capable of achieving 120 fps multi-object search and detection. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the system's effectiveness and robustness.
Surveillance Robotic Systems,Hardware-Software Integration in Robotics,Computer Vision for Transportation
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