Cardiovascular responses to natural and auditory evoked slow waves predict post-sleep cardiac function


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The interplay between slow-wave sleep and cardiovascular health is increasingly recognized. Our prior research showed that auditory-enhanced slow waves can boost cardiac function, yet the mechanisms behind this remain unclear. Advancing these findings, our current analysis dissected the effects of two slow wave types on cardiovascular function, using data from 18 middle-aged men across three nights. We found that the strength of heart rate and blood pressure responses concurrent with slow waves predicts cardiac function post-sleep. Notably, we identified that highly synchronized type I slow waves, as opposed to lower-amplitude type II slow waves, primarily co-occur with these cardiovascular pulsations. While auditory stimulation enhances both types of slow waves, they exhibit distinct temporal dynamics, pointing to different underlying biological mechanisms. This study crucially addresses how distinct slow wave types can affect cardiovascular function, implying that targeted slow wave stimulation could be a strategic approach to improve heart health. ### Competing Interest Statement C.L. is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Emma Sleep GmbH, which is not related to this work. R.H. is a founder and shareholder of tosoo AG. All other authors declare they have no competing interests.
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