Emerging Bio-Technologies for Disruptive Effects in Grey Zone Engagements

Hybrid Threats and Grey Zone Conflict(2024)

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Abstract Current global conflicts are assuming ever more asymmetric and grey zone forms. Ongoing developments in neurosciences and technologies, which trend toward five- to fifteen-year trajectories of progression, make the brain sciences valid, viable, and of growing value for operational use in national security applications. While many types of weaponizable neurosciences and technologies (e.g. chemicals, biological agents, and toxins) have been addressed in and by extant forums, treaties, conventions, and laws, other newer techniques and their non-kinetic uses have not. Apropos these developments, this chapter presents the national security relevance of neurosciences and technologies, describes current and probable future trajectories of major strategic competitors’ activities in this space, posits how such developments bring into stark relief existing gaps in international conventions, illustrates problems of current international ethical-legal approaches to regulating the use of neuroscience and technology in grey zone engagements, and proposes steps towards rectification of current and future oversight and governance.
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