Impact of Micro-nutrients on Growth and Development of Fodder Crops under Water Stress Condition: A Review

Titli Nandi, Sandeep Menon,Subrata Das

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science(2024)

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This article delves into the critical significance of micronutrients specifically in fodder crop production, highlighting their profound impact on crop growth, yield, quality, and sustainable farming practices. Despite being required in trace amounts, micronutrients are essential for ensuring the health and productivity of livestock, as they serve as vital components of the forage consumed by animals. Micronutrients act as indispensable cofactors for enzymes involved in crucial metabolic processes essential for plant health and subsequent livestock nutrition. They play a pivotal role in enhancing fodder crop yield and improving its nutritional content, thus directly contributing to the overall health and productivity of livestock populations. Furthermore, proper management of micronutrients in fodder crop production is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of agricultural ecosystems. Sustainable farming practices that prioritize micronutrient balance not only optimize crop yields but also promote soil health and environmental sustainability. This research aims to address the complex challenges of ensuring livestock health, meeting global food demands, and promoting responsible agricultural practices within animal agriculture. In conclusion, the role of micronutrients in fodder crop production is paramount for ensuring the health and productivity of livestock, as well as supporting sustainable farming practices. Recognizing the significance of micronutrients in fodder crop production and implementing tailored management strategies are essential steps toward achieving livestock health, sustainable farming practices, and ultimately, food security in the context of animal agriculture. .
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