Towards Robustness of Text-to-Visualization Translation against Lexical and Phrasal Variability


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Text-to-Vis is an emerging task in the natural language processing (NLP) area that aims to automatically generate data visualizations from natural language questions (NLQs). Despite their progress, existing text-to-vis models often heavily rely on lexical matching between words in the questions and tokens in data schemas. This overreliance on lexical matching may lead to a diminished level of model robustness against input variations. In this study, we thoroughly examine the robustness of current text-to-vis models, an area that has not previously been explored. In particular, we construct the first robustness dataset nvBench-Rob, which contains diverse lexical and phrasal variations based on the original text-to-vis benchmark nvBench. Then, we found that the performance of existing text-to-vis models on this new dataset dramatically drops, implying that these methods exhibit inadequate robustness overall. Finally, we propose a novel framework based on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technique, named GRED, specifically designed to address input perturbations in these two variants. The framework consists of three parts: NLQ-Retrieval Generator, Visualization Query-Retrieval Retuner and Annotation-based Debugger, which are used to tackle the challenges posed by natural language variants, programming style differences and data schema variants, respectively. Extensive experimental evaluations show that, compared to the state-of-the-art model RGVisNet in the Text-to-Vis field, RGDR performs better in terms of model robustness, with a 32 proposed nvBench-Rob dataset.
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