Mucuna laticifera: unprecedented L-dopa content and its role in neurodegenerative and inflammatory conditions

Viresh Thamke,Suresh Suryawanshi,Chetan Aware, Pratibha Mali, Balkrishna Shinde,Devashree Patil, Manali Rane, Ashvini Chaudhari,Savita Tapase,Jyoti Jadhav

3 Biotech(2024)

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Genus Mucuna encompasses several plant species renowned for their utilization in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, chiefly due to their exceptionally high L-dopa content relative to other plants. However, limited information exists regarding Mucuna laticifera, a newly identified species within the Mucuna genus. This study unveils a remarkable L-dopa content of 174.3 mg/g in M. laticifera seeds, surpassing all previously documented Mucuna species. Moreover, this research marks the first documentation of L-dopa, flavonoids, and phenolics within M. laticifera seeds. Furthermore, the aqueous extract derived from these seeds exhibits robust antioxidant properties. Investigation into its anti-inflammatory potential reveals a significant reduction in paw swelling and neutrophil infiltration at inflammatory sites in a carrageenan-induced rat model. Gene expression analysis utilizing a rat paw model demonstrates that the seed extract significantly downregulates the expression of various inflammation-related genes compared to carrageenan-treated rats. Collectively, these findings clearly substantiate the anti-inflammatory activity of M. laticifera seed extract. The exceptional L-dopa content combined with its anti-inflammatory properties position M. laticifera seeds as a promising therapeutic option for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, as well as various inflammatory conditions.
L-Dopa,Anti-inflammatory,Gene expression,Mucuna,Histopathology
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