Application of Real-time Direct Analysis Technology in Process Analysis of Food Pollution Detection

Sha Li,Siyu Huang

2023 International Conference on Data Science & Informatics (ICDSI)(2023)

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In order to improve the efficiency of food pollution monitoring, the use of real-time detection technology is an effective means to quickly produce results. In this paper, the real-time direct analysis technology is studied. According to the mechanism of paper spray and referring to other similar open ionization source technologies, a simple and convenient grid-free real-time direct analysis mass spectrometry injection device is designed and constructed, which uses the positive ion mode of mass spectrometer ESI for detection. By using the peel as the base, we can directly analyze the pesticide on the surface of the peel by mass spectrometry, simplify the monitoring system structure, eliminate the complex process in the detection process, and directly output the test results. Through the experimental analysis, we can see that the method proposed in this paper has a certain effect in the detection of food pollution, and further improve the convenience and efficiency on the basis of the traditional detection methods.
Real-time direct analysis,food contamination,detection,process analysis
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