Epichlo? bromicola Enhances Elymus dahucirus Plant Growth and Antioxidant Capacity under Cadmium Stress


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Elymus dahucirus is an essential plant for ecological restoration in fragile ecological areas and mining area restoration. As lawn grass, it can quickly cover soil and prevent soil erosion, so it is commonly used as a pioneer grass for lawn greening and slope protection. In recent years, with the development of mineral resources, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau soil is facing the threat of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) pollution. E. dahuricus can host the filamentous fungus Epichloe bromicola. To make better use of the advantages that Epichloe bring to host plants to alleviate heavy metal pollution in soil, plant growth and antioxidant capacity effects on E. bromicola infected (E+) and uninfected (E-) E. dahuricus were determined under Cd stress. During Cd treatment, plant growth was decreased by Cd stress, while E+ plants exhibited equal or better growth compared to E- plants. Cd treatment induces a proline and antioxidant enzyme burst in infected plants, while malondialdehyde (MDA) increases. E. bromicola improved plant growth and antioxidant capacity. E. dahuricus breeding strategies could use the information here in efforts to improve the performance of E. dahuricus in both environmental protection and agronomic contexts.
Epichloe bromicloa,Elymus dahucirus,plant growth,antioxidant,interaction,cadmium stress
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