On Feature Selection Techniques for Detecting DoS Attacks with a Multi-class Classifier

Iuri A. Mundstock, Yuri Santo, Thiago L. T. da Silveira, Roger Immich,André Riker, Bruno L. Dalmazo


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In a hyperconnected society, computer networks play a pivotal role in all activities that permeate our daily lives. In the context of smart cities, theses networks play a pivotal role in enhancing urban efficiency and sustainability. The continuous flow of packets in these networks poses security challenges, from personal data leakage to service unavailability. Anomaly-based methods are commonly used to detect network attacks. In this context, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) emerges as a solution for anomaly detection in network traffic, facilitating comprehensive, real-time analyses and dynamic adaptation to changes. This study aims to present a systematic review of feature selection techniques and evaluate the effectiveness of attribute selection with a multi-class classifier in network anomaly detection. The objective of this paper is to inspire future research and identify trade-offs among these techniques for detecting Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Based on the findings, the analysis of the entire dataset yields superior results in terms of precision (99%), but using the output of OneR, although resulting in a slight loss of precision compared to the complete dataset, presents the highest precision among other studied techniques, indicating a trade-off between precision and processing time efficiency.
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