Mental health in athletes: Does authentic leadership matter?

Maria Kavussanu,Shuge Zhang, Qing Tang,Jennifer Cumming, Thomas Mackman

Psychology of Sport and Exercise(2024)

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Recent research has attested to the prevalence of mental health issues in sport, and the need to identify factors that could promote athletes’ mental health. In this study, we investigated: (a) whether authentic leadership is associated with athletes’ mental health directly and indirectly via psychological capital and prosocial and antisocial behaviour experienced from one’s teammates; and (b) whether the hypothesized model testing these relationships is the same in higher versus lower competitive level athletes. We examined two dimensions of mental health, namely positive mental health and mental illness. A total of 751 athletes (Mage = 22.92, SD = 8.53; 294 female) from a range of sports completed a multi-section questionnaire administered via an online survey. Path analysis showed that authentic leadership was positively related to positive mental health via psychological capital and prosocial behaviour and negatively linked to mental illness via psychological capital and antisocial behaviour. The effects of authentic leadership on positive mental health via prosocial teammate behaviour and subsequently psychological capital, and on mental illness via prosocial teammate behaviour, were stronger in higher compared to lower competitive level athletes. The findings suggest that by adopting an authentic leadership style coaches could strengthen athletes’ positive mental health and protect them from mental illness. This may happen by increasing athletes’ psychological capital and prosocial behaviour within the team and decreasing antisocial behaviour within the team.
Psychological capital,Mental illness,Prosocial behaviour,Antisocial behaviour,Elite sport
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