Investigation of Cloud Forensic Incidents in Cloud Architecture for 6G Networks.

International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems(2023)

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The widespread implementation of cloud computing has brought about a significant transformation in digital operations, offering unparalleled scalability and flexibility. However, this advancement has also presented novel security obstacles and necessitated the development of efficient investigation techniques within cloud environments. The objective of this paper is to delve into the field of Cloud Forensics, which involves the intricate process of investigating security incidents, data breaches, and unauthorized access within cloud architecture. This article aims to elucidate the distinctions between cloud forensics and traditional digital forensics. It discusses the intricacies of cloud service models and their implications on deployment. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of investigation methodologies, highlighting the challenges associated with evidence collection and preservation. The research emphasizes the significance of incident response, the utilization of digital evidence in legal proceedings, and the need for collaborative efforts among service providers, investigators, and legal authorities. These factors collectively contribute to the improvement of cloud security and compliance.
Cloud Computing,Cloud forensics,Forensic tools,Cloud Security,Data Security
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