Characterisation, Evolution, and Economic Development of Portuguese Business Over the Last Decade in the European Union Reality

Francisco Loureiro Oliveira,Elisabeth T. Pereira

Business Continuity Management and Resilience Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage(2024)

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In the last decade, Portugal was marked by a series of events that had a strong impact and marked the national economy. Started by a financial crisis in the banking sector that forced the government to request an intervention from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), passing through the world pandemic crisis of COVID-19, still with visible consequences in the companies, and culminating with the war in Europe that has marked and pressured the economy, the main focus of this chapter is to give a vision of entrepreneurship in Portugal, through a collection and statistical analysis of data, allowing the establishment of interconnection and relationship with the data of the European Union (EU), providing the evolution and consequent economic effects in the entrepreneurship in Portugal over the last decade, and exposing sectors and types of business that have had and have a special impact at the national level, like in the tourism, hospitality, catering, culture and, the terrestrial traffic itself, amongst several other businesses.
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