AQ-DETR: Low-Bit Quantized Detection Transformer with Auxiliary Queries

AAAI 2024(2024)

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DEtection TRansformer (DETR)-based models have achieved remarkable performance. However, they are accompanied by a large computation overhead cost, which significantly prevents their applications on resource-limited devices. Prior arts attempt to reduce the computational burden of DETR using low-bit quantization, while these methods sacrifice a severe significant performance on weight-activation-attention low-bit quantization. We observe that the number of matching queries and positive samples affect much on the representation capacity of queries in DETR, while quantifying queries of DETR further reduces its representational capacity, thus leading to a severe performance drop. We introduce a new quantization strategy based on Auxiliary Queries for DETR (AQ-DETR), aiming to enhance the capacity of quantized queries. In addition, a layer-by-layer distillation is proposed to reduce the quantization error between quantized attention and full-precision counterpart. Through our extensive experiments on large-scale open datasets, the performance of the 4-bit quantization of DETR and Deformable DETR models is comparable to full-precision counterparts.
ML: Learning on the Edge & Model Compression,CV: Object Detection & Categorization
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