The estrogen receptor alpha regulates the sex-dependent expression and pronociceptive role of bestrophin-1 in neuropathic rats

Diana Laura Calvillo-Montoya, Carlos Javier Martínez-Magaña,Norma Oviedo,Janet Murbartián

The Journal of Pain(2024)

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Bestrophin-1, a calcium-activated chloride channel (CaCC), is involved in neuropathic pain; however, it is unclear whether it has a dimorphic role in female and male neuropathic rats. This study investigated if 17β-estradiol and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) activation regulate bestrophin-1 activity and expression in neuropathic rats. Neuropathic pain was induced by L5-spinal nerve transection (SNT). Intrathecal administration of CaCCinh-A01 (0.1-1 µg), a CaCC blocker, reversed tactile allodynia induced by SNT in female but not male rats. In contrast, T16Ainh-A01, a selective anoctamin-1 blocker, had an equal antiallodynic effect in both sexes. SNT increased bestrophin-1 protein expression in injured L5 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in female rats but decreased bestrophin-1 protein in L5 DRG in male rats. Ovariectomy prevented the antiallodynic effect of CaCCinh-A01, but 17β-estradiol replacement restored it. The effect of CaCCinh-A01 was prevented by intrathecal administration of MPP, a selective ERα antagonist, in rats with and without prior hormonal manipulation. In female rats with neuropathy, ovariectomy prevented the increase in bestrophin-1 and ERα protein expression, while 17β-estradiol replacement allowed for an increase in both proteins in L5 DRG. Furthermore, ERα antagonism (with MPP) prevented the increase in bestrophin-1 and ERα protein expression. Finally, ERα activation with PPT, an ERα selective activator, induced the antiallodynic effect of CaCCinh-A01 in neuropathic male rats and prevented the reduction in bestrophin-1 protein expression in L5 DRG. In summary, data suggest ERα activation is necessary for bestrophin-1's pronociceptive action to maintain neuropathic pain in female rats. Perspective The mechanisms involved in neuropathic pain differ between male and female animals. Our data suggests that ERα is necessary for the expression and function of bestrophin-1 in neuropathic female but not male rats. Data supports the idea that a therapeutic approach to relieving neuropathic pain must be based on patient's gender.
Bestrophin-1,Neuropathic pain,L5 nerve transection,17β-estradiol,estrogen receptor alpha
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