Bark and ambrosia beetles on native and transplanted dead wood along an altitudinal tropical forest gradient


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Global warming is expected to shift the distribution ranges of many species towards higher latitudes and altitudes. This will rewire plant-herbivore food webs as new combinations of herbivore species encounter novel host plants. We investigated the effects of a simulated altitudinal shift in an herbivore-host community of bark and ambrosia beetles on fig trees in a tropical mountain forest on Mt. Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea. We reared beetles from wood baits cut from five local Ficus species in their natural altitudinal ranges, between 200 and 1700 m a. s. l. Further, we transplanted baits from three of these tree species 500 m below the limits of their natural distribution range, to simulate a mean temperature increase of 2.7 degrees C. Beetle species richness declined, and their species composition changed with increasing elevation. Furthermore, while altitude explained a large proportion of variance in beetle composition, host tree species was more important for bark beetles than ambrosia beetles. Beetle communities that assembled on the transplanted baits were similar in diversity and host specificity to those on the fig trees native to the same elevation, but also contained a number of unique species. Overall, these results indicate that saproxylic beetles in this tropical forest are highly resilient and flexible to the potential effects of climate change.Abstract in Cesky is available with online material. O & ccaron;ekava se, ze v d ?sledku globalniho oteplovani dojde ke zmene rozsireni mnoha druh ?, a jejich oblasti vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEskytu se posunou smerem k vyssim zemepisnATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEm sirkam a nadmorskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEm vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEskam. Nasledne se nove druhy bATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTElozravc ? mohou setkat s novATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEmi hostitelskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEmi druhy rostlin, coz m ?ze vest k vytvareni novATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch propojeni v potravnich sitich. V nasem vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEzkumu jsme analyzovali dopady simulovane zmeny nadmorske vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEsky na interakce mezi spole & ccaron;enstvy saproxylickATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch k ?rovc ? a jadrohlody a jejich hostitelskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEmi fikovniky (Ficus) v tropickem horskem lese na hore Mt. Wilhelm v Papui-Nove Guinei. Brouky jsme sledovali na navnadach vyrobenATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch ze dreva peti druh ? fikovnik ? v nadmorskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEskach mezi 200 a 1700 m n. m., kde tyto rostliny prirozene rostou. Dale jsme premistili tri z techto navnad z jejich prirozeneho vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEskytu o 500 m nize, nez byly p ?vodne umisteny, a simulovali tak zvATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEseni pr ?merne teploty o 2,7 degrees C. Pozorovali jsme pokles druhoveho slozeni i druhove bohatosti brouk ? s nadmorskou vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEskou. Nadmorska vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEska vysvetlovala vetsinu rozdil ? v druhovem slozeni brouk ? a hostitelske druhy byly vice d ?lezite pro k ?rovce nez jadrohlody. Spole & ccaron;enstva brouk ?, ktera se shromazdila na premistenATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch navnadach, byla podobna v rozmanitosti a hostitelske specifi & ccaron;nosti jako na fikovnicich rostoucich ve stejne nadmorske vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEsce, ale take obsahovala radu vzacnATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch druh ?. Celkove tyto vATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEsledky nazna & ccaron;uji, ze spole & ccaron;enstva saproxylickATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTEch brouk ? tohoto tropickeho lesa jsou odolna a flexibilni v ?& ccaron;i potencialnim dopad ?m zmeny klimatu. Bark and ambrosia beetles were reared from Ficus wood baits along altitudinal tropical forest gradient. Some baits were transplanted below their trees' range of distribution to simulate the effects of climate change. While there was a distinct turnover in community composition along the gradient, beetles were readily colonizing the transplants, thereby indicating a considerable resilience of this group potential effects of climate change.image
climate change experiment,Ficus,global warming,Mt. Wilhelm,plant transplantation,saproxylic beetles,tropical forest,wood baits
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