Disrupting direct inputs from the dorsal subiculum to the granular retrosplenial cortex impairs flexible spatial memory in the rat


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In a changing environment, animals must process spatial signals in a flexible manner. The rat hippocampal formation projects directly upon the retrosplenial cortex, with most inputs arising from the dorsal subiculum and terminating in the granular retrosplenial cortex (area 29). The present study examined whether these same projections are required for spatial working memory and what happens when available spatial cues are altered. Consequently, injections of iDREADDs were made into the dorsal subiculum of rats. In a separate control group, GFP-expressing adeno-associated virus was injected into the dorsal subiculum. Both groups received intracerebral infusions within the retrosplenial cortex of clozapine, which in the iDREADDs rats should selectively disrupt the subiculum to retrosplenial projections. When tested on reinforced T-maze alternation, disruption of the subiculum to retrosplenial projections had no evident effect on the performance of those alternation trials when all spatial-cue types remained present and unchanged. However, the same iDREADDs manipulation impaired performance on all three alternation conditions when there was a conflict or selective removal of spatial cues. These findings reveal how the direct projections from the dorsal subiculum to the retrosplenial cortex support the flexible integration of different spatial cue types, helping the animal to adopt the spatial strategy that best meets current environmental demands. The dorsal subiculum is the primary source of hippocampal projections to the rat retrosplenial cortex. Disruption of the subiculum to retrosplenial projections impaired spatial working memory whenever the test variant created a conflict between cue types, associated with a switch between different strategies. These findings suggest that the direct projections from the dorsal subiculum to the granular retrosplenial cortex help to maintain the flexible integration of different spatial cue types. image
anatomy,Chemogenetics,dorsal subiculum,Retrosplenial cortex,spatial memory,working memory
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