TIGAR reduces neuronal ferroptosis by inhibiting succinate dehydrogenase activity in cerebral ischemia

Free Radical Biology and Medicine(2024)

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Ischemia Stroke (IS) is an acute neurological condition with high morbidity, disability, and mortality due to a severe reduction in local cerebral blood flow to the brain and blockage of oxygen and glucose supply. Oxidative stress induced by IS predisposes neurons to ferroptosis. TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR) inhibits the intracellular glycolytic pathway to increase pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) flux, promotes NADPH production and thus generates reduced glutathione (GSH) to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS), and thus shows strong antioxidant effects to ameliorate cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. However, in the current study, prolonged ischemia impaired the PPP, and TIGAR was unable to produce NADPH but was still able to reduce neuronal ferroptosis and attenuate ischemic brain injury. Ferroptosis is a form of cell death caused by free radical-driven lipid peroxidation, and the vast majority of ROS leading to oxidative stress are generated by mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) driving reverse electron transfer (RET) via the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Overexpression of TIGAR significantly inhibited hypoxia-induced enhancement of SDH activity, and TIGAR deficiency further enhanced SDH activity. We also found that the inhibitory effect of TIGAR on SDH activity was related to its mitochondrial translocation under hypoxic conditions. TIGAR may inhibit SDH activity by mediating post-translational modifications (acetylation and succinylation) of SDH A through interaction with SDH A. SDH activity inhibition reduces neuronal ferroptosis by decreasing ROS production, eliminating MitoROS levels and attenuating lipid peroxide accumulation. Notably, TIGAR-mediated inhibition of SDH activity and ferroptosis was not dependent on the PPP-NADPH-GPX4 pathways. In conclusion, mitochondrial translocation of TIGAR in prolonged ischemia is an important pathway to reduce neuronal ferroptosis and provide sustainable antioxidant defense for the brain under prolonged ischemia, further complementing the mechanism of TIGAR resistance to oxidative stress induced by IS.
TIGAR,Oxidative stress,Ferroptosis,Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH),Lipid peroxidation
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