Pemberdayaan Anak Melalui Program Bahasa Inggris, Melukis, PHBS, dan Gizi Bersama Pertukaran Mahasiswa Modul Nusantara Universitas Sumatera Utara

Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Titien Indriyanti, Alisa Faith Kurniawan, Maulana Alfian Rizki Ananda, Nathasia Corrina Chandra

Jurnal Abdimas(2023)

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English learning program, Art Painting Therapy: Painting on a Totebag, Introduction to Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB) and a healthy balanced nutrition lifestyle were programs carried out as a social contribution of Archipelago Module Programme (AMP).The objectives of society was to increase awareness of speaking English, channeling positive emotions and children’s creativity, freeing children to express themselves and preventing children from illness in the framework of forming the 2030-2040 golden generation. This activity uses demonstration methods and hands-on practice and combines audio-visual media with kinesthetic learning styles. The target of this activity to developed childrens on Pimpinan Street, Medan Tembung. develop children's enthusiasm, self-potential, interests and talents in learning English and the arts. AMP's social contribution activities produce a culture of work ethic, empathy and sympathy for educational issues, especially developing motivation, enthusiasm and focus in learning for children in the city of Medan.
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