Remote mobile heath monitoring frameworks and mobile applications: Taxonomy, open challenges, motivation, and recommendations

Shariq Aziz Butt, Mudasser Naseer,Arshad Ali, Abbas Khalid,Tauseef Jamal,Sumera Naz

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(2024)

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Advancements in mobile technology have propelled the rapid progress of remote health monitoring, particularly in the domain of mobile health (mHealth). This progress is underscored by sophisticated smart health monitoring applications designed for mobile devices. mHealth monitoring, a standout area within remote health monitoring, excels in providing continuous health monitoring for patients and enabling remote observation by physicians. These applications cater to ambulatory patients with chronic diseases, offering essential features such as Telemedicine services, doctor availabilitys, and emergency ambulance services. Despite the development of various frameworks for mHealth monitoring, existing review papers often fall short in addressing critical parameters and issues related to Telemedicine. Many reviews provide a broad overview but lack the depth needed to dissect intricate aspects like implementation challenges in Telemedicine, nuances in decision-making applications, and the dynamics of mobility for both patients and healthcare providers. Patient rescue protocols, especially in diverse locations, are also underexplored. To fill this gap, our research delves into these dimensions, providing a nuanced understanding of challenges and opportunities in mobile health monitoring, particularly within the Telemedicine context. Leveraging a comprehensive literature review, we meticulously selected over 100 research articles from reputable databases like ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, and Springer. We have assessed and ranked the significance of each article. The study aims to address open issues in telemedicine, contributing valuable insights to enhance remote health monitoring.
Mobile health monitoring,mHealth frameworks,mHealth applications,Telemedicine
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