A new segmentation algorithm for peripapillary atrophy and optic disk from ultra-widefield Photographs1

Computers in Biology and Medicine(2024)

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Background and objective The prevalence of myopia and high myopia is increasing globally, underscoring the growing importance of diagnosing high myopia-related pathologies. While existing image segmentation models, such as U-Net, UNet++, ResU-Net, and TransUNet, have achieved significant success in medical image segmentation, they still face challenges when dealing with ultra-widefield (UWF) fundus images. This study introduces a novel automatic segmentation algorithm for the optic disc and peripapillary atrophy (PPA) based on UWF fundus images, aimed at assisting ophthalmologists in more accurately diagnosing high myopia-related diseases. Methods In this study, we developed a segmentation model leveraging a Transformer-based network structure, complemented by atrous convolution and selective boundary aggregation modules, to elevate the accuracy of segmenting the optic disc and PPA in UWF photography. The atrous convolution module adeptly manages multi-scale features, catering to the variances in target sizes and expanding the deep network's receptive field. Concurrently, the incorporation of the selective boundary aggregation module in the skip connections of the model significantly improves the differentiation of boundary information between segmentation targets. Moreover, the comparison of our proposed algorithm with classical segmentation models like U-Net, UNet++, ResU-Net, and TransUNet highlights its considerable advantages in processing UWF photographs. Results The experimental results show that, compared to the other four models, our algorithm demonstrates substantial improvements in segmenting the optic disc and PPA in UWF photographs. In PPA segmentation, our algorithm improves by 0.8% in Dice, 1.8% in sensitivity, and 1.3% in intersection over union (IOU). In optic disc segmentation, our algorithm improves by 0.3% in Dice, 0.6% in precision, and 0.4% in IOU. Conclusion Our proposed method improves the segmentation accuracy of PPA and optic disks based on UWF photographs, which is valuable for diagnosing high myopia-related diseases in ophthalmology clinics.
UWF photographs,High myopia-related lesions,Transformer structure,Artificial intelligence
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