Advances and challenges in portable optical biosensors for onsite detection and point-of-care diagnostics

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry(2024)

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Portable optical biosensors have emerged as revolutionary tools in point-of-care diagnostics, bringing the healthcare sector to the next level. Developing cutting-edge portable optical sensors represents significant advances in disease detection and monitoring. This review includes classifying optical sensors based on their transduction mechanism, addressing challenges such as sensitivity, specificity, miniaturization, cost considerations, regulatory approvals associated with portable optical biosensors for point-of-care diagnostics, and potential solutions to address these challenges. Miniaturization strategies and the importance of innovative materials and substrates in designing point-of-care diagnostic devices are investigated. The review further explores the recent advancements in miniaturization that have led to the development of portable optical devices for their recent applications in rapid point-of-care diagnostics, focusing on detecting various bioanalytes associated with various health conditions. Portable optical biosensors can revolutionize healthcare by enabling rapid, accurate, and personalized diagnoses, improving disease management, healthcare outcomes, and global diagnostic accessibility through technological advancements.
Point-of-care diagnostics,Optical biosensors,Portable diagnostic devices,Disease monitoring,Miniaturization techniques
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