Legal, clinical and structural aspects of modern intensive care for children and adolescents with mental disorders


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Recent years have seen a continuous rise in the proportion of emergency contacts across all mental health-related care structures for children and adolescents. Treatment in a protective intensive care unit constitutes an essential element of care and primarily serves the immediate protection of children and adolescents during mental health crises. Protective intensive care is subject to strict legal requirements. Those requirements were amended in 2017 via changes to 1631b BGB (German Civil Code), leading to a clear separation of the stay in protective intensive care per se and the use of coercive measures. Using the restructuring of the intensive care unit of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital Wurzburg as an example, the article illustrates the requirements for modern acute care of children and adolescents with mental disorders. Following the modernisation at the university hospital Wurzburg we could drastically reduce the duration of stays in the intensive care unit to a mean of 1.5 days across around 500 admissions per year. Consequently, the risk of hospitalism especially for patients with chronic suicidality is practically non-existent anymore. Since 2017, our cooperation with other clinics in the region has made it possible to care for all underage patients requiring treatment in a protective intensive care unit in child and adolescent psychiatric settings. Long-term treatment over many months in a protective intensive care unit no longer occurs in cases of chronic suicidality.
Child and adolescent psychiatry,Protective intensive care,Mental health care,1631bBGB,Crisis management
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