Tension-type headache and arterial hypertension (from the patient’s point of view)

Ioan-Cristian Lupescu, Nicoleta Lupascu,Daniela Anghel,Adriana Octaviana Dulamea

Romanian Medical Journal(2023)

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Introduction. Tension-type headache translates in the Romanian language as “cefalee de tip tensional” or “cefalee tensională”. This may create confusion, since the Romanian term “tensiune” (in English: “tension”) is frequently used in the general population to denote high blood pressure (i.e., arterial hypertension). Objectives. To assess the perception of patients and caregivers regarding the potential relationship between the term “tension-type headache” and high blood pressure. Material and methods. We developed a short questionnaire, which was distributed online in the Romanian language to a total of 60 patients or caregivers who agreed to participate. Results. Mean age of the participants was 50±12 years-old (range: 25-81 years-old). There were 75% females (n=45). The majority of the participants (55%) had a high-school degree, while 43% had a Bachelor’s degree. 68% of the participants have not heard of tension-type headache before. Slightly more than half of the participants (55%) believed that tension-type headache is related to arterial hypertension. And 80% admitted they would ask the doctor about their blood pressure level, if they were to receive this diagnosis. Participants who would not ask about their blood pressure level were overall younger (43±12 years-old) than those who would (52±12 years-old) (p=0.04). Conclusions. Some people may erroneously believe that tension-type headache relates to arterial hypertension, and many would ask the physician about their blood pressure level. If the patient understands that there is no connection between blood pressure and tension-type headache, then treatment adherence might improve.
tension-type headache,arterial hypertension,high blood pressure
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