Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Review of the Experimental Literature and Implications for Clinicians

Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry(2024)

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Purpose of Review Social media use is widespread. Because social media can yield both positive and negative mental health effects, it is critical for clinicians to consider how their clients use social media. The purpose of this review is to examine the extant experimental literature on the positive and negative effects of social media, with an eye towards how clinicians can (1) assess use, (2) educate on harmful use, and (3) promote skills that encourage healthier use. Recent Findings The existing literature suggests that active social media use that promotes positive connection, reminiscing, or warmth can be beneficial, whereas social media use that involves exposure to and production of highly idealized content, a focus on physical appearance, or a reliance on feedback can be harmful. To encourage healthier social media use, clinicians can encourage the building of intrapersonal skills, including reappraising comparison-inducing content, self-compassion, and mindfulness. Summary Although additional experimental work is needed to thoroughly inform treatment plans, findings suggest avenues that may be effective for clinicians when treating clients who struggle with their social media use. Changing how clients approach social media, rather than encouraging abstinence from use, may be more effective and practical in this digitally saturated age.
Social media,Well-being,Mental health,Experiment,Intervention,Treatment
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