Sperm quality variables of sex-sorted bull semen produced by magnetic-activated cell sorting coupled with recombinant antibodies targeting Y-chromosome-bearing sperm


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The immunological sexing method using antibodies offers cost-effective, high-volume production but faces challenges in terms of X -sperm purity in sexed semen. This research aimed to produce sexed bull semen using highly specific recombinant antibodies in magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), evaluate sperm quality and kinematic parameters, and verify the sex ratio of sperm, embryos, and live calves. Fresh semen from two Angus bulls was separated into two equal groups: conventional (CONV) semen and semen sexed using MACS with Y-scFv antibody conjugation to separate two fractions, i.e., the X-enriched and Y-enriched fractions. Then, computer assisted semen analysis and imaging flow cytometry were used to evaluate sperm motility and kinematic variables, acrosomal integrity, sperm viability, and sperm sex ratios. The results showed that sperm motility and quality did not differ between X-enriched and CONV semen. However, the Y-enriched fraction showed significantly lower sperm quality than the X-enriched fraction and CONV semen. The sperm ratio revealed that X -sperm accounted for up to 79.50% of the X-enriched fraction, while Y-sperm accounted for up to 78.56% of the Y-enriched fraction. The sex ratio of embryos was examined using in vitro fertilization. The cleavage rates using CONV and X-enriched semen were significantly higher than that using Y-enriched semen. Accordingly, 88.26% female blastocysts were obtained by using X-enriched semen, and 83.58% male blastocysts were obtained by using Y-enriched semen. In farm trials, 304 cows were subjected to AI using Xenriched and CONV semen. The pregnancy rate did not differ between the X-enriched and CONV semen groups. On the other hand, X-enriched semen generated significantly more live female calves (83.64%) than CONV semen (47.00%). The MACS sexing method significantly enhanced the X -sperm purity in sexed semen, producing high-quality sperm, a high percentage of female blastocytes, and a high percentage of live female calves.
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