LH supplementation in IVF: human nature, politics, and elephants in the room LH supplementation in IVF: human nature, politics, and elephants in the room

Juan Castillo, Alexander M. Quaas,Shahar Kol


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Luteinizing hormone (LH) is present throughout the natural follicular phase. However, the debate is still not settled on whether LH is needed during ovarian stimulation in IVF. This commentary looks at the evolution of this debate, mentioning three elephants in the room that were ignored by the Pharma industry, professional organizations, and clinicians alike:The different endocrinology between the long agonist and the antagonist protocols.The fixed dose of the two most widely commercially available antagonist preparations, namely cetrorelix and ganirelix.The fact that most research in this area uses population-based criteria, ignoring endocrine parameters.Individual genetics of the LH receptor gene may also serve to individualize LH needs during stimulation; however, the jury is still out regarding this approach.AbstractLuteinizing hormone (LH) is present throughout the natural follicular phase. However, the debate is still not settled on whether LH is needed during ovarian stimulation in IVF. This commentary looks at the evolution of this debate, mentioning three elephants in the room that were ignored by the Pharma industry, professional organizations, and clinicians alike: The different endocrinology between the long agonist and the antagonist protocols. The fixed dose of the two most widely commercially available antagonist preparations, namely cetrorelix and ganirelix. The fact that most research in this area uses population-based criteria, ignoring endocrine parameters. Individual genetics of the LH receptor gene may also serve to individualize LH needs during stimulation; however, the jury is still out regarding this approach. Conclusions Individual endocrine and genetics parameters may shed meaningful light on the question of LH supplemental during ovarian stimulation.
LH,IVF,Controlled ovarian stimulation,GnRH agonist,GnRH antagonist
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