Sonographers and Vascular Technologists Offer Potential Solutions to Promote the Health and Well-being of Their Workforce


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Objective: Work-related injuries have a major effect on worker health and well-being. This is particularly true in sonography, where work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) are common. In response to the current challenge of understanding strategy implementation across social and organizational dimensions, this research captured sonographers', echocardiographers', and vascular technologists' perceptions of critical administrative, organizational, and general health and training challenges, and potential solutions for improving worker health and well-being. Materials and Methods: A survey invitation was sent to the WRMSD Grand Challenge longitudinal study registry participants. Open-ended questions on the online questionnaire allowed respondents to share comments, ideas, or potential solutions to improve worker health and well-being regarding the administrative and organizational environment or through training and general health interventions. There were 377 free-text responses that were qualitatively analyzed using a grounded theory approach to generate overarching themes and identify emerging theory, supported by initial coding, focused coding, and reflexive memoing. A member check was conducted by interviewing four participants to refine and confirm the findings. Results: Five themes were identified: "Limits and Guidelines," "Injury Education," "Ergonomics Training Constraints," "Resources and Equipment," and "Individual Habits." Participant suggestions within these themes were categorized and mapped onto a sociotechnical systems model that was developed previously to study the healthcare system(s) in which sonography users work. This conceptual mapping revealed how these solutions were situated to impact different levels of the work environment. The themes and mapping supported an emerging grounded theory: Risk Reduction Relies on Proper Employee Representation. Conclusion: These qualitative findings align with contemporary guidelines and recommendations for mitigating injuries in sonographers, illuminating challenges and solutions targeting levels of influence beyond the staff sonographers' scope. The need for representation of sonographers at higher-level administrative levels has not heretofore been addressed by WRMSD guidelines.
work-related musculoskeletal disorders,sonography,musculoskeletal pain,occupational injuries,ergonomics,workplace engagement
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