Novel perfluorocarbon-based oxygenation therapy alleviates Post-SAH hypoxic brain injury by inhibiting HIF-1α

Free Radical Biology and Medicine(2024)

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In comparison to other stroke types, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is characterized by an early age of onset and often results in poor prognosis. The inadequate blood flow at the site of the lesion leads to localized oxygen deprivation, increased level of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), and triggers inflammatory responses and oxidative stress, ultimately causing hypoxic brain damage. Despite the potential benefits of oxygen (O2) administration, there is currently a lack of efficient focal site O2 delivery following SAH. Conventional clinical O2 supply methods, such as transnasal oxygenation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, do not show the ideal therapeutic effect in severe SAH patients. The perfluorocarbon oxygen carrier (PFOC) demonstrates efficacy in transporting O2 and responding to elevated levels of CO2 at the lesion site. Through cellular experiments, we determined that PFOC oxygenation serves as an effective therapeutic approach in inhibiting hypoxia. Furthermore, our animal experiments showed that PFOC oxygenation outperforms O2 breathing, leading to microglia phenotypic switching and the suppression of inflammatory response via the inhibition of HIF-1α. Therefore, as a new type of O2 therapy after SAH, PFOC oxygenation can effectively reduce hypoxic brain injury and improve neurological function.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage,Hypoxic brain injury,Perfluorocarbon oxygen carrier HIF-1α,Neuroinflammation
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