Enhancing Sense of Agency in GUI-Based Teleoperation Through Robot Trajectory Generation Focused on Motor Imagery.

Takumi Nishimura,Hikari Yukawa, Eren Dogus Ates, Yamen Saraiji, Fernando Charith,Yoshihiro Tanaka

2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)(2024)

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This paper discusses the relationship between robot movements and sense of agency in the teleoperation of a robot arm using a graphical user interface. Based on the sense of agency model, this study focuses on the imagery of robot movements held by operators. It verifies the relationship between imagined robot movements and preferred actual robot movements, as well as the relationship between robot movements and the sense of agency during operations, through two experiments. These findings suggest that operators exhibit a bias toward favoring swifter motions than those depicted in the imagery. Additionally, this study suggests that when there are significant differences in the movement distance and speed between movements based on imagined robot actions and those that consider bias, the sense of agency decreases. In particular, when considering the bias towards preferring faster movements, adjusting the control to achieve the same acceleration as movements that consider this bias, even when the movement distance changes, can evoke a sense of agency during the operation.
Sense Of Agency,Motor Imagery,Graphical User Interface,Movement Speed,Robotic Arm,Movement Distance,Robot Movement,Imagined Movement,Normal Distribution,Visual Analogue Scale,Cognitive Load,Experimental Task,Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA,Greenhouse-Geisser Correction,Movement Time,Arm Movements,Robot Control,Human-robot Interaction,Robot Motion,Open Task,Average Bias,Teleoperator,Feeling Of Agency,Imagery Task,NASA Task Load Index,Impact Of Movement,Robotic Hand
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