Tineas Due to Trichophyton erinacei : An Emerging Disease?

Paola Lumbán-Ramírez, Fabiola Lumbán-Ramírez, Maria Luisa Montes de Oca-Loyola, Silvia Cristina Jaramillo-Manzur,Alexandro Bonifaz

Current Fungal Infection Reports(2024)

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Purpose of Review In order to raise awareness and inform physicians of tineas secondary to Trichophyton erinacei , a review of the epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, therapeutic strategies, and cases reported in the literature was carried out. Recent Findings We found 74 cases reported in the literature, where the UK held the first place, followed by a boom of cases in Asia. The main form of presentation was tinea manuum, associated with the handling of hedgehogs without adequate protective material. Luliconazole, a relatively new drug, could be an effective therapeutic option. Summary Tineas secondary to T. erinacei are definitely an emerging clinical entity which does not seem to be diminishing in the near future. Over the past few years, the popularity and number of domesticated hedgehogs have increased significantly worldwide, and hand in hand with these changes has come an increase of cases reported in humans. In order to make a diagnostic confirmation, it is imperative to perform a molecular study, since otherwise, it is impossible to differentiate T. erinacei from other members of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes Complex. The treatment of choice is systemic, usually with terbinafine, likewise, informing hedgehog owners about the possibility of transmission and preventive measures is fundamental.
Trichophyton erinacei,Dermatophytosis,Tinea manuum,Hedgehogs,Zoonotic diseases
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