Online Distribution Learning with Local Private Constraints


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We study the problem of online conditional distribution estimation with unbounded label sets under local differential privacy. Let ℱ be a distribution-valued function class with unbounded label set. We aim at estimating an unknown function f∈ℱ in an online fashion so that at time t when the context x_t is provided we can generate an estimate of f(x_t) under KL-divergence knowing only a privatized version of the true labels sampling from f(x_t). The ultimate objective is to minimize the cumulative KL-risk of a finite horizon T. We show that under (ϵ,0)-local differential privacy of the privatized labels, the KL-risk grows as Θ̃(1/ϵ√(KT)) upto poly-logarithmic factors where K=|ℱ|. This is in stark contrast to the Θ̃(√(Tlog K)) bound demonstrated by Wu et al. (2023a) for bounded label sets. As a byproduct, our results recover a nearly tight upper bound for the hypothesis selection problem of gopi et al. (2020) established only for the batch setting.
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