An appraisal of pharmacotherapy-pertinent literature published in 2021 and 2022 for clinicians caring for patients with thermal or inhalation injury.

David M Hill,Melissa Reger, Lorraine A Todor,Allison N Boyd, Sarah Cogle, Alexandra DeWitt,Zachary Drabick,Janie Faris,Sarah Zavala,Beatrice Adams, Kaitlin M Alexander,Kristen Carter,Rita M Gayed, David W Gutenschwager, Alexandria Hall, Meaghan Hansen, Erica N Krantz,Felix Pham,Asia N Quan,Lisa Smith,Nicolas Tran,Todd A Walroth,Scott W Mueller

Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association(2024)

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Studies focusing on pharmacotherapy interventions to aid patients after thermal injury are a minor focus in burn injury-centered studies and published across a wide array of journals, which challenges those with limited resources to keep their knowledge current. This review is a renewal of previous years' work to facilitate extraction and review of the most recent pharmacotherapy-centric studies in patients with thermal and inhalation injury. Twenty-three geographically dispersed, board-certified pharmacists participated in the review. A MeSH-based, filtered search returned 2,336 manuscripts over the previous 2-year period. After manual review, 98 (4%) manuscripts were determined to have a potential impact on current pharmacotherapy practice. The top 10 scored manuscripts are discussed. Only 17% of those reviewed were assessed to likely have little effect on current practice. The overall impact of the current cohort was higher than previous editions of this review, which is encouraging. There remains a need for investment in well-designed, high impact, pharmacotherapy-pertinent research for patients sustaining thermal or inhalation injuries.
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