Adversarial Transferability in Embedded Sensor Systems: An Activity Recognition PerspectiveJust Accepted

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems(2022)

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Machine learning algorithms are increasingly used for inference and decision-making in embedded systems. Data from sensors are used to train machine learning models for various smart functions of embedded and cyber-physical systems ranging from applications in healthcare, autonomous vehicles, and national security. However, recent studies have shown that machine learning models can be fooled by adding adversarial noise to their inputs. The perturbed inputs are called adversarial examples. Furthermore, adversarial examples designed to fool one machine learning system are also often effective against another system. This property of adversarial examples is called adversarial transferability and has not been explored in wearable systems to date. In this work, we take the first stride in studying adversarial transferability in wearable sensor systems from four viewpoints: (1) transferability between machine learning models; (2) transferability across users/subjects of the embedded system; (3) transferability across sensor body locations; and (4) transferability across datasets used for model training. We present a set of carefully designed experiments to investigate these transferability scenarios. We also propose a threat model describing the interactions of an adversary with the source and target sensor systems in different transferability settings. In most cases, we found high untargeted transferability, whereas targeted transferability success scores varied from \(0\% \) to \(80\% \). The transferability of adversarial examples depends on many factors such as the inclusion of data from all subjects, sensor body position, number of samples in the dataset, type of learning algorithm, and the distribution of source and target system dataset. The transferability of adversarial examples decreased sharply when the data distribution of the source and target system became more distinct. We also provide guidelines and suggestions for the community for designing robust sensor systems. Code and dataset used in our analysis is publicly available here.
sensor systems,human activity recognition,adversarial machine learning,adversarial transferability
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