Research on Crack Propagation Mechanism of Silicon Nitride Ceramic Ball Bearing Channel Surface Based on Rolling Friction Experiment


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The application feedback on existing silicon nitride ceramic bearings and RCF experimental research all indicate that the primary failure mode of silicon nitride ceramic bearings is material spalling on the contact surface. Spalling failure occurs due to the initiation and propagation of cracks under rolling contact. However, silicon nitride ceramic bearings, owing to their unique manufacturing method, inevitably exhibit defects and cracks. Therefore, as silicon nitride ceramic bearings are increasingly prevalent, reducing the probability of spalling failure is crucial for extending their service life. This can only be achieved by gaining a clear understanding of the crack initiation and expansion mechanisms in silicon nitride ceramic bearings. This paper is based on silicon nitride rolling friction experiments. It involves the joint simulation of Franc3D-V8.4 and ABAQUS2020, wherein the crack front SIFs are calculated for each load contact position of the surface crack on the silicon nitride ceramic bearing ring during cyclic movement. The study also delves into the determination of the maximum effective stress intensity factors and explores the influence of the initial crack depth on the cycle life and direction of crack propagation. The research yields several valuable conclusions. The findings of this research offer theoretical guidance for formulating grinding technologies for silicon nitride rings and adjusting and controlling working parameters of silicon nitride ceramic ball bearings. These insights are crucial for enhancing the reliability and longevity of silicon nitride ceramic bearings in practical applications.
silicon nitride ceramic bearing,spalling failure,rolling friction experiment,joint simulation,crack propagation mechanism
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