Agile AFP : ML-enabled Agile Private/Public 5G/B5G Service and Network Autonomic Federation Platform.

Taesang Choi, Jeongyoon Kim,Sangsik Yoon, Moonkook Park, Seungyu Ko, Ranganai Chaparadza

2023 14th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)(2023)

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Future Networks in 5G and beyond will continue to expand in scale, complexity and interconnectivity, and will be highly shaped by distributed systems that serve various use cases that go beyond current use cases like mMTC and URLLC. This will be coupled with an increasing demand for autonomy in self-provisioning and self-management, network interoperability, and service federation on a very dynamic flexible way. Requirements on systems-of-systems architectures will become more relevant as multiple autonomous/semi-autonomous systems/networks (AN) adaptively seek to operate and interact with their peers. Federated Distributed Open Platforms (DOPs) as peers for cross-industry sectors end-to-end (E2E) services innovation and delivery agility can meet such requirements. The use of federation and associated mechanisms is a promising technology for interconnecting systems, innovation and service delivery by the federating AN systems; and allowing asset sharing and extending traditional eco-systems and value-chains with further resources and stakeholders. However, such a concept of cross-industry E2E services innovation and delivery agility in the 5G & Beyond Era and the associated ecosystem that would emerge DO NOT EXIST yet. This paper proposes an architecture to enable cross-industry DOP network federation and our proof of concept implementation, Agile AFP .
Autonomic/Autonomous Networking (AN),Federations & Governance of ANs,Multi-Layer Autonomics and AI/ML Frameworks,Autonomic Management & Control (AMC),Autonomics Levels,Degrees of Autonomy in ANs
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