Back-stepping Experience Replay with Application to Model-free Reinforcement Learning for a Soft Snake Robot


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In this paper, we propose a novel technique, Back-stepping Experience Replay (BER), that is compatible with arbitrary off-policy reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. BER aims to enhance learning efficiency in systems with approximate reversibility, reducing the need for complex reward shaping. The method constructs reversed trajectories using back-stepping transitions to reach random or fixed targets. Interpretable as a bi-directional approach, BER addresses inaccuracies in back-stepping transitions through a distillation of the replay experience during learning. Given the intricate nature of soft robots and their complex interactions with environments, we present an application of BER in a model-free RL approach for the locomotion and navigation of a soft snake robot, which is capable of serpentine motion enabled by anisotropic friction between the body and ground. In addition, a dynamic simulator is developed to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the BER algorithm, in which the robot demonstrates successful learning (reaching a 100 success rate) and adeptly reaches random targets, achieving an average speed 48
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