PIM kinase inhibitor AZD1208 in conjunction with Th1 cytokines potentiate death of breast cancer cells in vitro while also maximizing suppression of tumor growth in vivo when combined with immunotherapy


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PIM kinases are over -expressed by a number of solid malignancies including breast cancer, and are thought to regulate proliferation, survival, and resistance to treatment, making them attractive therapeutic targets. Because PIM kinases sit at the nexus of multiple oncodriver pathways, PIM antagonist drugs are being tested alone and in conjunction with other therapies to optimize outcomes. We therefore sought to test the combination of pharmacological PIM antagonism and Th1-associated immunotherapy. We show that the pan PIM antagonist, AZD1208, when combined in vitro with Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, potentiates metabolic suppression, overall cell death, and expression of apoptotic markers in human breast cancer cell lines of diverse phenotypes (HER-2(pos)/ERneg, HER-2(pos)/ERpos and triple -negative). Interestingly, AZD1208 was shown to moderately inhibit IFN-gamma secretion by stimulated T lymphocytes of both human and murine origin, suggesting some inherent immunosuppressive activity of the drug. Nonetheless, when multiplexed therapies were tested in a murine model of HER-2pos breast cancer, combinations of HER -2 peptide -pulsed DCs and AZD1208, as well as recombinant IFN gamma plus AZD1208 significantly suppressed tumor outgrowth compared with single -treatment and control groups. These studies suggest that PIM antagonism may combine productively with certain immunotherapies to improve responsiveness.
Breast Cancer,Immunotherapy,Dendritic cells,PIM kinase,IFN-gamma,TNF-alpha,AZD-1208
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