Analytical Model of Enhanced H2 Production from Water Vapor in Bulk Iron Oxide Pellets Using Lorentz Forces

Emmanouela Mangiorou,Aphrodite Ktena,Dino Musmarra,Peter Svec, John P. Xanthakis,Evangelos Hristoforou


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The analytical model of the effect of Lorentz forces on enhancing, by 2 orders of magnitude, hydrogen production from water molecules in bulk iron oxide pellets is studied in this paper. This model is verified by experimental data. Dropping water molecules on the surface of an iron oxide pellet results in releasing oxygen ions, due to the existing dangling bonds at relatively elevated temperatures. These ions can be directed from the surface inward, toward the bulk of the iron oxide, due to Lorentz forces perpendicular to the surface of the magnetic pellet, thus permitting new oxygen ions to be released from water molecules. These Lorentz forces are generated by the interaction between an in-plane magnetic induction of proper orientation and an in-plane applied electric field. The oxygen ion mobilization is enabled due to the substantial amount of oxygen vacancies in the bulk of the iron oxide and is being analytically modeled as a drift-diffusion mechanism, dominated by a Lorentz force-driven drift. This process remains active as long as the paths of oxygen ion mobilization toward the inner part of the iron oxide pellet are active. The same effect should also occur in other nonstoichiometric metal oxides, provided that proper Lorentz forces are applied on the corresponding oxygen ion carriers.
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