Eating competence in caregivers of celiac children: A cross-sectional study performed in Brazil


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Objectives Eating competence is an intraindividual approach to eating, behaviors, and attitudes related to eating, with repercussions on the individual and family. In pediatric celiac disease, the family is involved in the gluten-free diet management, the only treatment available. A gluten-free diet might affect eating competence because gluten-free diet compliance requires knowledge about food, meal planning, and attention to food choices. The objective is to access eating competence in caregivers of children with celiac disease and the association between caregivers' eating competence, children's adherence to a gluten-free diet, and sociodemographic data of participants. Methods This cross-sectional study used a snowball spread method by applying a questionnaire, including sociodemographic data, data related to health, eating habits, and the Satter Eating Competence Inventory version validated for the Brazilian population. The sample consisted of 220 Brazilian parents or caregivers of celiac disease children. The scores of the Satter Eating Competence Inventory version validated for the Brazilian population were described in terms of means, SDs, medians, and interquartile range. Student's t test and analysis of variance followed by Tukey's post hoc tests were applied, and the association with the variables of interest was analyzed using Pearson chi(2) tests. The tests were conducted considering bilateral hypotheses and a 5% significance level. Results Participants' sex, schooling level, and income did not affect their eating competence. Competent eaters were mostly those with normal weight, following a gluten-free diet, with children complying with a gluten-free diet, and who have meals with family and prepare them at home. Different from vegetable consumption, participants' eating competence did not differ considering the frequency of children's fruit consumption. Conclusions The caregivers of children with celiac disease have greater eating competence scores than general Brazilian adults, and caregivers of children with celiac disease who comply with the gluten-free diet have higher eating competence scores.
celiac disease,children,eating competence,brazil,caregivers
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