Multi-Modal Federated Learning for Cancer Staging over Non-IID Datasets with Unbalanced Modalities


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The use of machine learning (ML) for cancer staging through medical image analysis has gained substantial interest across medical disciplines. When accompanied by the innovative federated learning (FL) framework, ML techniques can further overcome privacy concerns related to patient data exposure. Given the frequent presence of diverse data modalities within patient records, leveraging FL in a multi-modal learning framework holds considerable promise for cancer staging. However, existing works on multi-modal FL often presume that all data-collecting institutions have access to all data modalities. This oversimplified approach neglects institutions that have access to only a portion of data modalities within the system. In this work, we introduce a novel FL architecture designed to accommodate not only the heterogeneity of data samples, but also the inherent heterogeneity/non-uniformity of data modalities across institutions. We shed light on the challenges associated with varying convergence speeds observed across different data modalities within our FL system. Subsequently, we propose a solution to tackle these challenges by devising a distributed gradient blending and proximity-aware client weighting strategy tailored for multi-modal FL. To show the superiority of our method, we conduct experiments using The Cancer Genome Atlas program (TCGA) datalake considering different cancer types and three modalities of data: mRNA sequences, histopathological image data, and clinical information.
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