The dose of the normal saline pre-infusion and other risk factors for amphotericin B deoxycholate-associated acute kidney injury


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Background: Conventional amphotericin B deoxycholate (AmBd) is the preferred amphotericin B formulation in countries with limited resources despite its nephrotoxicity. Normal saline pre-infusion is a recommended measure to reduce the risk of nephrotoxicity in patients receiving AmBd.Objectives: To examine the effect of different normal saline solution (NSS) pre-infusion doses, and other potential risk factors, on the development of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with invasive fungal infection receiving AmBd.Methods: Adult patients with invasive fungal infections who received intravenous AmBd were included in this retrospective study. Doses of the normal saline pre-infusion were adjusted to the body weight (NSS/BW) and the daily dose of amphotericin B (NSS/AmBd). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to estimate 14 d AKI-free survival rates, and the log-rank test was used to compare AKI-free survivals between groups.Results: The present study included 60 patients; 31 patients developed AKI during the AmBd therapy. The overall 14 d AKI-free survival was 48.3%. NSS/AmBd, but not NSS/BW, was associated with AKI-free survival in patients receiving AmBd: the higher the NSS/AmBd, the higher the AKI-free survival. Gender, baseline blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and baseline plasma bicarbonate (Bicarb) also affected AKI-free survival. Female gender, higher BUN, and lower Bicarb were associated with higher AKI-free survival.Conclusions: The present study suggests that low NSS/AmBd, male gender, low BUN, and high Bicarb are risk factors for AmBd-associated AKI. Excluding gender, these risk factors are potentially modifiable and would guide tailoring appropriate preventive measures for AmBd-associated AKI.
acute kidney injury,amphotericin B deoxycholate,normal saline,pre-infusion,nephrotoxicity
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