The Effect of the Global Health Crisis on Organizational Marketing and Culture of Innovation


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The study examined how SME’s particularly in emerging economies should choose and implement marketing innovation strategies based on external factors, internal advantages, and their own characteristics, enriching crisis management literature and providing new scenarios for research on marketing innovations, consumer behavior and patterns during and after the global crises. The survey included 217 SME’s in Nigeria. The ‘A’ priori sample size calculator for structural equation models determines the sample size. Data was analyzed using PLS-SEM to appropriately estimate study latent construct relationships. The findings of the study indicated that the global health crisis has affected organizational innovation, consumption, and behavior. Due to technological adoption and complexity, market innovation methods have not been severely impacted by the epidemic. This study also examines how organizations might develop and execute pandemic strategies and concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical consequences that may guide future research. Using the global health crisis to understand shifts in the culture of innovation, consumer behaviors, and market innovation strategies in an organization to improve performance and ensure firm continuity, this study identified several business performance options, a suitable path to explore, and the impact of using it to retain market space in line with consumption patterns. This research examines how the global health crisis affects organizational cultures of innovation and performance. This is accomplished in light of the significance of SMEs’ creative efforts in Nigeria in achieving the goals of idea-driven enterprises. Finally, the study recommended four marketing innovation strategies for SME’s and organizations to choose from for crisis management and control in the pandemic and post pandemic crisis.
Global Health Crisis,Covid-19,Market innovation,Culture of innovation,Technology sophistication,Disruptive innovation theory
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