Artificial Intelligence in Medicine for Advance Treatment: A Survey

Ammar H. Shnawa, M. R. Hadi, Mustafa Abdulsattar Jebur,Myasar Mundher Adnan,Waleed Hameed, G. Mohammed

2023 6th International Conference on Engineering Technology and its Applications (IICETA)(2023)

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A machine being used to simulate cognition with the smallest degree of human participation is known as artificial intellect (AI). Many people think that the invention of machines marked the start of machine learning. The Czech word “robota,” referring describes bio artificial tools used for indentured servitude, is where the term “robot” originates. The quickly growing field of surgical care, which retains the surname of the artist Leonardo Da Vinci and therefore is utilised for challenging urologic and gynecologist surgeries, is Leonardo Da Vinci's lasting contribution to this field. The robot designs in Da Vinci's art books served as the starting point for this innovation. AI commonly referred to as computer vision, was first formally added in 1956. The expression is able to describe a variety of medical ideas, encompassing human physiology, automation, clinical issue, and now even modern “omics”, The main applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare focus of this evaluation conceptual as well as practical. The virtualized branch includes informatics methods for proactive medical therapy judgement, data augmentation information assurance, and administration of patient care system, especially electronic medical records. The best example of the brick and mortar location is a robot that assists an old client or a physician in the operating room. Customized nano technologies, a cutting-edge pharmaceutical delivery technology, are another subset of this discipline.
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