Varying Modes of Selection Among Toxin Families in the Venoms of the Giant Desert Hairy Scorpions (Hadrurus)

Journal of Molecular Evolution(2023)

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Venoms are primarily believed to evolve under strong diversifying selection resulting from persistent coevolution between predator and prey. Recent research has challenged this hypothesis, proposing that venoms from younger venomous lineages (e.g., snakes and cone snails) are governed predominantly by diversifying selection, while venoms from older venomous lineages (e.g., centipedes, scorpions, and spiders) are under stronger purifying selection. However, most research in older lineages has tested selection at more diverse phylogenetic scales. Although these tests are important for evaluating broad macroevolutionary trends underlying venom evolution, they are less equipped to detect species-level evolutionary trends, which likely have large impacts on venom variation seen at more diverse phylogenetic scales. To test for selection among closely related species from an older venomous lineage, we generated high-throughput venom-gland transcriptomes and venom proteomes for four populations of Giant Desert Hairy Scorpions (Hadrurus), including three Hadrurus arizonensis populations and one Hadrurus spadix population. We detected significant episodic and pervasive diversifying selection across a highly abundant toxin family that likely has a major role in venom function ( α KTxs), providing a contrast to the stronger purifying selection identified from other studies on scorpion venoms. Conversely, we detected weak episodic diversifying and/or stronger purifying selection in four toxin families (non-disulfide bridged peptides, phospholipase A2s, scorpine-like antimicrobial peptides, and serine proteases), most of which were less abundant and likely have ancillary functional roles. Finally, although we detected several major toxin families at disproportionate transcriptomic and/or proteomic abundances, we did not identify significant sex-based variation in Hadrurus venoms.
Scorpion,venom,Hadrurus,Molecular evolution,Diversifying selection
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